Apple’s 2020 Stock Split: All You Need To Know About It

As you may or may not have heard, Apple is doing a 4:1 stock split on the 31st of August. Here is what you need to know about the stock split.

As you may or may not have heard, Apple is doing a 4:1 stock split on the 31st of August. Here is what you need to know about the stock split. To find out even more about a stock split, read this article.

  1. For every 1 share of Apple you own, you will receive a multiple of 4 shares. So if you have 1 share, you get 1×4 to give 4 shares. If you own 5 shares, you would ultimately get 20 Apple shares which is 5×4.
  2. The price per share will decrease, but the number of shares you have will increase. Example: if you own 1 share of FMZ at $200, after the split you will receive 1×4 to give 4 shares at $50 each which equals your original $200. 
  3. Fractional shares are also impacted by this stock split, in that, if you currently own fractional shares of Apple, you will own 4 times that fractional number after the split. For example, 0.2 shares of YBC will become (0.2 x 4) 0.8 shares of YBC.

Below are the terms of the split:

If you have previously opened any pending orders to buy or sell Apple shares, they would be automatically canceled, however, after the split has been done, all orders would be processed normally. 

You would not be charged any taxes as taxes will also become 1/4th of what it was previously per share.

Please note the following: 

  • All splits will be processed prior to the Market Opening on Monday morning. 
  • All existing pending orders for TSLA will be immediately cancelled while the splits are processing. 
  • Customer Accounts will not reflect the splits at the same time; however, they will be updated very quickly once the processing is completed.

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