Article 104 – A Sporty New ESG President?

What is that you say? Well With a democrat in the white house, it is time for every investor to once again come alive to the concept of ESG Investing and at the time of the year the other big talk (apart from Covid and Politics) is sports.

What is that you say? Well With a democrat in the white house, it is time for every investor to once again come alive to the concept of ESG Investing and at the time of the year the other big talk (apart from Covid and Politics) is sports. 

Last time, I talked about ICLN being the star on my Christmas tree portfolio. Over the next year and during the term of President Biden, I expect Environment Social and Governance (ESG) related investments to face a favourable environment and likely perform better.

More bonuses and credits coming for California based businesses, it is a shame Elon Musk decided to leave town, but I am sure if anyone can ‘afford’ to, he can). 

ESG will be a big theme and I will write more on this in greater detail in the near future, as usual this is geared towards those who really don’t want to keep researching if of the millions of companies that will NOT be in the news (because Tesla keeps hogging our timelines).  

In the very near term, a major sports cycle is also about to start, with the SuperBowl kicking it off in sunny Tampa Bay, Florida. Betting activity is usually on the rise as the global sports calendar starts to kick off. 

Thinking of sports, gaming comes to mind, we have seen individual companies like GME do wonders with people questioning whether it has the fundamentals (read ‘ingredients’) to back the spike in share price. Avoiding single names as we do over here, we will be looking further into Sports and Gaming ETFs through the year. 

An example being ESPO VanEck Vectors Video Gaming and eSports ETF, did fantastic last year and is approaching 10% for 2021 (YTD). A decent expense ratio at just 0.55% (you know I like the costs low). ESPO holds a portfolio of gaming 

As usual, YKTD (You Know The Drill): none of this constitutes investment advice not a an urge to pick up any financial products and is only a single view of a market that may go up or down and is here for information and entertainment only.

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