Who-wore-what-stock at the Inauguration!?

Pull up on this joint, let’s get straight into business. 

On the menu today, we’re serving cryptocurrencies trading on Trove, rocket ships, earnings beat, emerging market outlooks and some lifestyle who-wore-what-stock at the inauguration! Did you just chuckle? Hehe read on till the end! 


Cryptos on Trove? A Lituation!!!

Did you not hear about this game changing innovation?! Yes Yes Oh Yes!!! All your trading and investment needs in one place. You know it: ONE APP TO RULE THEM ALL! Your favorite micro-investing app remains the industry leader in building a power trading engine for you, our beloved [cant-live-without] users. I knowwww, it’s surreal!!! You can now trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), Tron (TRX), & DASH directly on Trove.

Don’t be caught sleeping on a bicycle. Tell a friend to tell a friend. You might be the only one not trading BTC on Trove yet.

Cloud 9-ing on Biden!

Have You Ever Taken Office & Sent A Chunk of The US Economy on a Rocket ship? LOL yea, only because you aren’t Joe Biden. [I only half kid] The Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit new highs as the new POTUS took the oath of office, continuing a month’s-long run despite the streak of bad economic data. The market under President Trump had annualized returns just shy of those under President Obama. Some investors had worried that Democratic control of Washington would put the brakes on the bull market, but that has not happened [at least, not yet]. Instead, stocks were up 13 percent between Election Day and Inauguration Day for the best post-election return in recent history.

Well! Wishing President Joe & Team a strong administration ahead, especially if it ‘greens’ out our Trove portfolio… because what is life?


“If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat, just jump on.” Words of the wise. My dilemma though is this: WHY DOESN’T ANYONE EVER ASK OR TELL ME?? (My bad, I didn’t mean to raise my voice but sob🥺) Okay, so Netflix shares exploded higher by 17 percent a day after the company reported an increase in revenue and subscribers [because covid!!!] It was not all roses for the streamer but even though Netflix missed its earnings projections, investors loved that the company now has more than 200 million global subscribers for the first time in history — showing that it can continue to add paid users even as it increases prices and that the company no longer has to take on debt to produce all that content. [You know, when you rich RICH!]

How else could you explain additional 37million paying subscribers (right after increasing fees)? 

P&G outchea Playing Zero Games

Procter & Gamble also did not miss out on some covid ‘sales’. The company reported an 8% surge in sales in the latest quarter, fueled in part by demand for its high-end products. The makers of Tide, Pampers and Bounty, now expects sales growth of 5% to 6% in 2021, up from its prior outlook of 3% to 4% growth. The company is also forecasting that its adjusted earnings will rise 8% to 10%, up from the previous target of 5% to 8%. Although shares of the company fell 1% in early trading Wednesday, P&G beat Wall Street’s expectations: Earnings per share (EPS) was $1.64, adjusted vs. $1.51 expected, and revenue was $19.75 bn vs. $19.27 bn expected. 

P&G be like: Too Cool For School

Eyes on Emerging Markets

This could be the year for international investments. After a decade of U.S. stocks outpacing their international peers, we are starting to see signs of the market rotation. Jeremy Schwartz, global head of research at WisdomTree Asset Management, said in an interview. “Foreign equities have the opportunity to outperform U.S. stocks in 2021,” three market analysts also said in interviews on Thursday. Developed and emerging markets are, so far, outpacing the S&P 500 year to date, with China in the lead (although still early in the year). Emerging markets now have some of the best growth opportunities on the market as they trade at relative discounts, Schwartz said. With a new, perhaps more trade friendly Biden administration taking power, the odds might be stacking in their favor. Chinese technology stocks could also give the U.S. juggernauts “a run for their money” with their high rates of innovation, cheap share prices and fast growth, Schwartz added.

You’re welcome. Don’t say I never did anything for you in this life o!

Who-wore-what-stock at the Inauguration!?

Let’s play a game: Compare These Outfits & How They Rocked It To 2020 Stock Performances!!!

  1. Michelle Obama’s outfit at the inauguration
  2. Barrack Obama’s outfit at the inauguration
  3. FLOTUS, Dr. Jill Biden’s outfit at the inauguration
  4. VPOTUS, Kamala Devi Harris’ outfit at the inauguration

Our Answers:

  1. Michelle’s outfit (from the hair down to the gloves is unrivaled), I MEANNN COM’ON, she was definitely a Tesla (TSLA) – It wasn’t even her inauguration!
  2. Obeezy is JUST Obeezy (incomparable swag), he was certainly a Bitcoin (BTC) [Shameless crypto plug🥳]
  3. Dr. Jill did not come to play with y’all!!! She was a Zoom (ZM) – Comes out of nowhere looking like she didn’t work for that look
  4. Kamala? She aight. Errmm, let’s go with Delta airlines (DAL)? I mean, she aight.

Agree? Disagree? Agree To Disagree? Tweet at us! @trovefinance
Let’s hear you out.

Before I jump, 

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Be. The. Light.


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